


September 16, 2024

The"Dream Team"

Teamwork, business vision, "knowledge sharing"

Teamwork, business vision, "knowledge sharing"

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Teamwork, business vision, knowledge sharing: the key to success

A company should be recognizable not only by its logo but also by its soul. Capturing it through numbers, statistics and percentages is always a challenging, if not futile, endeavor. It is wiser to rely on the faces and words of those who patiently observe, study and develop winning strategies. Those who play "behind the scenes".

Alessandro Cellai, general manager, Francesco Beni, agronomist, Erasmo Mazzone, head of production, and Tamara Marini, in charge of Hospitality: this is the Dream Team.

Each of them reveals their own X factor, the key to the success that, day by day, makes Vallepicciola an exclusive winery in the Chianti Classico territory.

Get to know our Dream Team!


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